"I wish I were a trumpet" - Zach Sherman"My soulmate was one of the Big Red Trumpets" - V. Kula"No section can compare to the Trumpets" - Someone (probably)."The Trumpets are perfect" - Jen G."I LOVE being a Big Red Trumpet. " - Elizabeth C."We grow up hearing that trumpeters blew down the walls of Jericho, that Gabriel's trumpet announces the will of God, and that the largest, and hippest, of all animals, the elephant, has a trunk mostly for trumpeting. These grandiose images shape the classic trumpet persona: brash, impetuous, cocky, cool, in command. Anyone who has ever played in a band knows that if the conductor stops rehearsal because a fight breaks out, if somebody takes your girlfriend, if a tasteless practical joke is pulled, if someone challenges every executive decision no matter how trivial, it's got to be a trumpet player. That's just how we are." ---Wynton Marsalis |